Safety precautions in physical education lessons at school


Physical education lessons at school are an important part of the educational process in grades 1-11. These classes are of great benefit, but only if you comply with safety regulations and government educational standards. The main goals of physical education lessons at school are physical development, educational work and health improvement of students. Safety precautions in physical education lessons at school are aimed at minimizing student injuries, as well as increasing the assimilation of educational material.

In accordance with the established rules, safety measures include the following points:

  • The admission of schoolchildren to classes is possible only after familiarization with safety precautions;
  • Each student must have a certificate of admission to classes;
  • Pupils must be provided with sportswear and footwear;
  • Changing clothes of students is possible only in specially equipped rooms;
  • The student is obliged to listen to the teacher and perform all the exercises in the lesson;
  • Students are prohibited from taking sports equipment without the teacher's permission;
  • In case of health problems, the student must immediately inform the teacher about his condition;
  • The teacher must be in the gym or on the playground for the entire time of the lesson.


These are just the main points of safety precautions applied to physical education lessons at school. The teacher, in turn, is obliged to strictly monitor the technique of performing the exercises and control each student.

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