To restore proper functioning, therapeutic exercises, breathing exercises are important, which allows you to turn on additional respiratory muscles and increase the volume of the lungs. Classic breathing exercises, like inflating balloons, may be contraindicated in patients with COVID-19, because when the lung tissue is compacted, additional damage to the lungs can be obtained. Therefore, an individual approach is needed, organized under the supervision of a specialist doctor! Exercises are chosen taking into account the diagnosis and the characteristics of the patient himself. The risk of possible side effects increases due to age, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, weakened immunity, and smoking. The duration of the course of gymnastics depends on the stage of pneumonia and the presence of its complications. It is also recommended to perform low-intensity aerobic exercise: walking, cycling for at least 30 minutes a day - 3 times / week for 8-12 weeks.
Respiratory gymnastics normalizes the work of the lungs and has a positive effect on the work of other organs and systems of the body. Thanks to the main course of treatment with physical education, it is possible to achieve a more rapid elimination of the malaise provoked by inflammation, since breathing problems are present in the clinical picture longer than signs of intoxication and an increase in body temperature. A person who has suffered an infection may still suffer from shallow breathing, shortness of breath and coughing fits for a long time. Shortness of breath indicates that there is not enough oxygen in the body.
Respiratory gymnastics contributes to:
- improving blood circulation and gas exchange in the lungs;
- reducing the risk of developing emphysema, atelectasis and adhesions in the lungs;
- strengthening the abdominal muscles;
- elimination of chronic fatigue;
- restoration of the metabolism of substances at the cellular level;
- deformation of the chest is prevented.
The benefits of exercise are due to the fact that with each muscle contraction, processes occur in the lungs that, at the level of reflexes, activate respiratory functions.
Exercise example:
1. Starting position - lying on your back - legs are bent at the knees. You need to relax and breathe at a rate of up to 40 breaths per minute.
2. Rotate the hands of both hands to one side and the other. Breathe at a frequency of up to 40 breaths per minute.
3. Letter breathing with a long exhalation "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh". "rrrrrrrrr", "m-m-m-m-m-m", "n-n-n-n-n-n".
4. Tongue twisters are good training if, when pronouncing them, slowly inhaling and exhaling air - this helps to increase the functionality of the muscles responsible for the work of the lungs.
Remember! Active loads for people who have had a coronavirus infection are contraindicated. You cannot immediately go to the gym, because a variety of vascular disorders, disorders in the work of the kidneys are possible. Therefore, patients should "enter" the routine of their usual loads gradually and consult with a specialist!